Friday, September 14, 2012

Buddy Fell Asleep Reading (photo)

Buddy with her, er, my, Kindle, Summer 2012

I did not stage this photo! 

This is the scene I found when I got back from the bathroom one night this summer. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

You know you spend too much time with canine companions,

rather than human companions, when you realize that you've found the perfect ringtone...For your dog.

Like she might try to call you.

Or something.

Monday, September 3, 2012

It's you Mommy, it's you!

I smelled something. Something that smelled bad, and I said so.

But, I couldn't figure out what it was, and I said so.

So, Buddy, ever helpful, ran up to me and poked her nose against my backside,
as if to say, "it's you mommy, it's you."

It's you that smells bad.

Gee, thanks Bud.

Written 5-28-2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Deja Poo

That's when I'm cleaning up poo from the backyard, and I could swear that I'd already picked up that pile of poo. 

But, there it is, ready & waiting to be picked up. 


Written May 28, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week of August 25, 2012

Picture this (which is another way of saying, "sorry, didn't take a photo").

Bud & The Kitty Cat lying on the bed. Bud in the house, for the night.

Bud looks at me as if to say, "I want to go out."

The Cat looks at me as if to say, "I want the dog to go out."


We won't even mention the morning earlier in the month, when I opened my
eyes just in time to see the cat extending a paw to smack the sleeping dog.

Picture this, Buddy telling me to turn off the bedroom light for the night (she did it by barking her high pitched bark, and tossing her head).

In the middle of the night (OK, I was awake reading), Buddy "told" me she wanted a doggie treat.

Of course, she got one.

I love that she communicates with me, and it was amusing, and just. So. Cute!

The first time.

The second time she tried to get me out of bed to get her a treat, it was less amusing.

The third time, it wasn't cute.

By the next night, it had lost its charm.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Buddy, On Watch

Buddy, Watching for Suspicious Activity, or Movement, in The Neighborhood, May 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Diamond Pet Food Recalls Continue...

eFoodAlert offers the most comprehensive listing that I've seen to date.

Buddy has an interest in this because, although, more often than not, I make her food, I do supplement her diet with dry food, from Costco. At this point we don't appear to be affected, both because of when and where we bought our most recent bag.

It's frightening, though.

The brands manufactured by Diamond, and included in the recall, read as a who's who list of dog food: Canidae, Kirkland Signature/Nature's Domain (Costco), Natural Balance, Taste of The Wild, Solid Gold, Wellness.

The same brands often recommended as healthy, high quality foods for our dogs!

It's almost enough to make me throw my hands in the air, give up, and buy the first wheat-free dog food, not manufactured by Diamond, that I can find. And I only supplement! I can only imagine what if feels like if one of these dry foods is all, or most, of what you feed your dog.

If you feed your dog or cat (yes, there are cat foods included in the recall, too) dry food, I urge you to check and make sure their food is not included in this recall.

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Live in The Moment Kind of Girl

Shortly after the new year began, I put a tray of summer sausage, cheese, and crackers on the table.

New Year's Eve leftovers.

I walked away to do other things (the tray wasn't supposed to be a sit down dinner, you know).

Buddy barked at me. A reminder bark. A single bark that said "People, there is food on the table, why are you not eating it?"

So, I went to the table and got her a bite and took a few bites myself.

Went back to what I was doing.

Another reminder bark. This one said, "PEOPLE, THERE IS FOOD. ON THE TABLE."

Buddy doesn't understand the concept of having yummy smelling food on the table (to her, cheese and sausage are high value treats), being allowed to eat it, and not rushing the table for it.

Why wait? 

Buddy is a live in the moment kind of girl.

Written January 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Of Course...

I cook for Buddy.

She can't cook for herself!

Buddy's Dinner, 2-16-2012

That's chicken, green beans, and potato, if you were wondering.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Have I Told You About The Time...

That my son and I were in the dining room, looking at something on my computer, with our backs to the dining room table. I had paused in the middle of putting dinner on the table, to chat. And, oh, we just happened to be talking about Buddy.

Bragging on her, really.

About how she was so good with food. Leaving it alone, unless it was expressly hers. So trustworthy with it. So well behaved.

You know where this is going, right?

Because that's when we realized that the good, trustworthy, well behaved doggie had her head in my plate.

Eating my dinner.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Buddy Has A New Trick.

Not so unusual for her.

It's self-taught.

Also not so unusual for her.

So, what is it?

My desk is within reach of the dining room table. Often, when I have a snack, I leave it on the table while I sit at my desk. Well, when I do this, she puts her front paws on a chair that is pushed in at the table, so that she can reach my snack.

And lick it.

When I notice what she's doing, of course, I tell her, "down."

Except, that doesn't work anymore. Because her new trick, in that situation, when she hears the word "down", is to look out the dining room window, instead of dropping down so that all four paws are on the floor.

BUDDY:  What Mommie?


I iz jest looking out the window.

ME:  Buddy, that is naughty. It is. It is so naughty.

Which appears to be her cue to drop into her good dog sit.

BUDDY:  I not naughty.

I not.

I a good dog.

See my good dog sit?

See it?

See it?

And good doggies get treats!

I iz ready for my treat! 

Yep. I was doomed the second that fluffy ball of puppy rolled into the house, a little over two years ago. But, it was a good sort of doom.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Wasn't Thinking...

I realized last night that I hadn't given Buddy her heartworm med, for the month of January.

So, I left it on top of my laptop, so I'd remember to give it to her today.

And I did.

But, I wasn't thinking.

I gave Buddy her monthly heartworm med while she was outside.

She just buried it in the backyard.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ever Wonder Why There Aren't More Photos of Buddy, On Her Blog?

This is why:

No more photos, please!  January, 2012

That's right.

Buddy dislikes having her photo taken.