Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fake, Decorative, Spiders Good Enough to Fool The Dog!

I kid you not.

One year, my dd made fake decorative spiders, probably for Halloween, or just to torture me, since I have a lifelong fear of spiders.

Who knew that dark brown pipe cleaners and wooden beads could be combined to form a spider that actually looks realistic from the correct angle, and feels realistic if you're not expecting it, too?

Well, we didn't take the best care of those spiders, but there are still a few to be found around the house, when one least expects to find one.

Just like a real spider!

They've been fooling me for years now.

I'll go to pull a book off a shelf and brush a "spider."

However, now there's a new twist.

Buddy found one.

She took it to her bed in the corner of the dining room, where she keeps her special real bone that we bought her a long time ago, and she appreciated it so much that she saved it, and saved it, and saved it, and a plush squeaky toy.

Apparently the plush squeaky toy brought out some sort of mothering instinct (like the plush eggs she went broody on) because all she does is keep it on her bed and lick it every once in a while.

The "spider" joined this collection of treasures. But, before she put it with them, she played with it, just like she does with real spiders (yes, if you touch it just right, it moves a little bit like a real spider,  these things are practically amazing, surprisingly enough).

So, a fake spider that can fool a smart dog, even if only temporarily:

Written:  Late Fall, 2011

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