I just could not figure out what Buddy thought she needed. She'd had dinner. She'd already been out, multiple times. She had, in fact, just come back in.
She didn't appear to be in physical distress, although she did appear frustrated that I didn't understand what she was trying to tell me.
It's not as if I had any food I was eating, that she wanted me to share, because I, too, had finished dinner and I had no snacks on my desk.
Except, I finally realized, I hadn't finished my dinner. I had set aside the last few bites and I had forgotten about them.
Buddy, of course, knew and was quite insistent that my dinner be finished.
Like a mom.
Granted, unlike a mom, her preference was that I give her my dinner to finish (although, my finishing it myself would also have satisfied her). So, I took a couple more bites of it, and gave her the last couple of bites.
Dinner finally finished. Buddy satisfied.
(Written 12-13-2011)
Last night, we ended up not taking our daily walk before dark. I really wasn't feeling up to taking a walk, at all, and especially not in the cold and snowy dark. But, I was determined that we'd at least take a short walk.
However, after one round (literally, around our teeny tiny neighborhood). Buddy took me home.
I thought she'd at least want to go another round, that she was just temporarily following a scent, but, no, she took me right to the door and stood to the side so I could open it for her.
Like a mom.
Well, maybe not, but it was sweet and thoughtful. Unusual, too. Buddy loves her walks. They are her favorite part of the day and she looks forward to them each day.
Good thing, too. I wasn't exaggerating when I said I didn't feel well. I spent the rest of the evening collapsed on the loveseat. Buddy and The Cat took turns keeping me company.
(Written 12-13-2011)
If I have something on the stove, and I don't check it for a while, Buddy will remind me to check it.
Like a mom.
She did that with broth, the last time I made it.
She got my attention. I went to the kitchen, and stirred the broth.
She was satisfied that I hadn't forgotten it.
She does that if I go sit down for too long while her dinner is on the stove, too.
She's such a good girl.
A good, smart, girl who prefers that I don't burn the food.
(Written 11-28-2011)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Guess What I Found Under The Wood Stove!
No, not Buddy...
I thought I saw one of Buddy's socks* under the wood stove.
So, I put my foot on the sock to pull it out from under the stove.
Except, it wasn't a sock.
It was The Cat's paw.
And she moved her paw when I put my foot on it.
That startled me, so I shrieked.
Buddy came out (she had been asleep in the bedroom) to check on me.
If I haven't mentioned it before, the cat's new bad habit is sleeping under the wood stove.
Usually, though, she waits until we've all gone to bed to do it.
*Yes, Buddy has socks. Not to wear, to play with. Our holey socks that I have given her, that we keep in her toy box. Yes, she has a plastic container that we call her toy box, that we put her toys in when she's not playing with them.
Written 11-29-2011
I thought I saw one of Buddy's socks* under the wood stove.
So, I put my foot on the sock to pull it out from under the stove.
Except, it wasn't a sock.
It was The Cat's paw.
And she moved her paw when I put my foot on it.
That startled me, so I shrieked.
Buddy came out (she had been asleep in the bedroom) to check on me.
If I haven't mentioned it before, the cat's new bad habit is sleeping under the wood stove.
Usually, though, she waits until we've all gone to bed to do it.
*Yes, Buddy has socks. Not to wear, to play with. Our holey socks that I have given her, that we keep in her toy box. Yes, she has a plastic container that we call her toy box, that we put her toys in when she's not playing with them.
Written 11-29-2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Some People...Some Dogs.
You know how some people, if you disagree with them, just think you didn't understand what they said, because, surely, if you understood, you'd agree with them?
Buddy is the doggie version of those people.
If I'm not doing what she thinks I need to be doing, or if I'm not giving her what she thinks she needs, she decides it's because I must not understand what I should be doing, or what she needs.
She thinks if she can just communicate to me what she needs, I'll do what she needs me to do...So she keeps trying...
Written 11-29-2011
Buddy is the doggie version of those people.
If I'm not doing what she thinks I need to be doing, or if I'm not giving her what she thinks she needs, she decides it's because I must not understand what I should be doing, or what she needs.
She thinks if she can just communicate to me what she needs, I'll do what she needs me to do...So she keeps trying...
Written 11-29-2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
If You Knew What Happened In My House, On Saturday Morning...
You might think Buddy is picky, and spoiled.
But, I may not admit that you may be right.
I gave Buddy her usual breakfast.* But, I had forgotten about it while it was cooling, so it was actually cold by the time I gave it to her.
She poked her nose into the bowl and walked away.
I thought, at first, that she didn't want it because it was cold. I was a little surprised, but apologetic.
Then I realized that I had forgotten the cheese.
Once I grated a little bit of cheese into her bowl, she happily ate her cold breakfast.
*Buddy's usual breakfast is scrambled eggs with peas, and a little cheese. Obviously, the cheese is the most important ingredient.
Written 12-10-2011
But, I may not admit that you may be right.
I gave Buddy her usual breakfast.* But, I had forgotten about it while it was cooling, so it was actually cold by the time I gave it to her.
She poked her nose into the bowl and walked away.
I thought, at first, that she didn't want it because it was cold. I was a little surprised, but apologetic.
Then I realized that I had forgotten the cheese.
Once I grated a little bit of cheese into her bowl, she happily ate her cold breakfast.
*Buddy's usual breakfast is scrambled eggs with peas, and a little cheese. Obviously, the cheese is the most important ingredient.
Written 12-10-2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Fake, Decorative, Spiders Good Enough to Fool The Dog!
I kid you not.
One year, my dd made fake decorative spiders, probably for Halloween, or just to torture me, since I have a lifelong fear of spiders.
Who knew that dark brown pipe cleaners and wooden beads could be combined to form a spider that actually looks realistic from the correct angle, and feels realistic if you're not expecting it, too?
Well, we didn't take the best care of those spiders, but there are still a few to be found around the house, when one least expects to find one.
Just like a real spider!
They've been fooling me for years now.
I'll go to pull a book off a shelf and brush a "spider."
However, now there's a new twist.
Buddy found one.
She took it to her bed in the corner of the dining room, where she keeps her special real bone that we bought her a long time ago, and she appreciated it so much that she saved it, and saved it, and saved it, and a plush squeaky toy.
Apparently the plush squeaky toy brought out some sort of mothering instinct (like the plush eggs she went broody on) because all she does is keep it on her bed and lick it every once in a while.
The "spider" joined this collection of treasures. But, before she put it with them, she played with it, just like she does with real spiders (yes, if you touch it just right, it moves a little bit like a real spider, these things are practically amazing, surprisingly enough).
So, a fake spider that can fool a smart dog, even if only temporarily:
Written: Late Fall, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Buddy and The Smoke Ghosts.
Or, I'm Convinced Buddy Knows What To Do In Case Of A House Fire.
Until this fall (and she's nearly two now), Buddy had never shown any particular concern over the wood stove.
In fact, I was a little bit concerned over her lack of concern (she seemed to think that cold ashes, that were dropped while they were being shoveled out of the stove, were a tasty treat).
She even had to be told not to crowd whoever was trying to light the stove.
However, this fall, we had issues with smoke.
From the stove.
In the house.
On one night in particular, we had large puffs of smoke evacuate into the living room. So much so, that I said they were smoke ghosts.
Anyway, since the night of the smoke ghosts, she has been nervous about the wood stove. She keeps an eye on it, and if there is any smoke, any hint of smoke at all, she'll ask to be let out.
The good news is that if there's a house fire, she'll go to the door and wait to be let out. That is, if we're awake. If we're not, she'll wake us up to let her out.
The Cat, on the other hand, will hide.
Written 12-04-2011
Until this fall (and she's nearly two now), Buddy had never shown any particular concern over the wood stove.
In fact, I was a little bit concerned over her lack of concern (she seemed to think that cold ashes, that were dropped while they were being shoveled out of the stove, were a tasty treat).
She even had to be told not to crowd whoever was trying to light the stove.
However, this fall, we had issues with smoke.
From the stove.
In the house.
On one night in particular, we had large puffs of smoke evacuate into the living room. So much so, that I said they were smoke ghosts.
Anyway, since the night of the smoke ghosts, she has been nervous about the wood stove. She keeps an eye on it, and if there is any smoke, any hint of smoke at all, she'll ask to be let out.
The good news is that if there's a house fire, she'll go to the door and wait to be let out. That is, if we're awake. If we're not, she'll wake us up to let her out.
The Cat, on the other hand, will hide.
Written 12-04-2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Drop The Twistie Tie. Yes, That Twistie Tie.
When I told you to drop the silver twistie tie you found on the floor, and you dropped it, that was good!
However, when I first told you to drop it, and you played with the twistie tie with your mouth, so that I could be sure to see that you had it, as if to say,
That wasn't so good.
Written 12-01-2011
When I told you to drop the silver twistie tie you found on the floor, and you dropped it, that was good!
However, when I first told you to drop it, and you played with the twistie tie with your mouth, so that I could be sure to see that you had it, as if to say,
"Drop what? This twistie tie? Oh, you want me to drop this twistie tie?"
That wasn't so good.
Written 12-01-2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Buddy Is Polite
Buddy just may be the most polite doggie in the world (well, sometimes).
She asks to go outside when she needs to fart.
Now if my husband and son would just excuse themselves to the bathroom when...
Written on 9-09-2011
She asks to go outside when she needs to fart.
Now if my husband and son would just excuse themselves to the bathroom when...
Written on 9-09-2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
We Had A Situation In Our House, One Night
It involved a freakishly huge spider. All right, maybe not freakishly huge, but it was surprisingly large.
And with my shrieking I may have accidentally traumatized Buddy.
Poor Buddy. She literally ran around. Frightened herself, or looking for what frightened me, I'm not completely sure.
But, I think her thoughts probably went something like this:
Buddy: Mommie, Mommie, why you making that noise? The doggie doesn't like it.
But Mommie, it's OK!
You made ham for dinner [I was literally on the way to the table, for dinner, when I saw the spider].
You can share it with me.
We'll both feel better.
Because ham makes EVERYTHING better.
(I don't know why you got so upset when I almost caught that truck today, Mommie. It was moving, and big, and I almost got it!)
Give the doggie more ham, Mommie, you'll feel better.
More ham, Mommie, more ham!
Written 8-27-2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Buddy Let Me In The House, All By Herself
Poor babe, she thought I was locked out.
I wasn't.
I was actually waiting for my son to bring me a bag of trash, to set out for pick-up.
Buddy, however, didn't know that.
She thought I needed someone to open the door and let me in, as she often does.
It was only the screen door that was shut, so I could see her, and I could see the wheels turning in her mind when she realized that Nick's priority wasn't letting me in the house (of course it wasn't, he was getting the trash as I asked him to do).
She decided I needed in, and it was up to her. So she ran over to the screen door, stood on her back paws, while she put her weight on the upper half of the screen door with her front paws, and opened the door for me.
Note, that she sometimes helps the cat in and out a different door in the house, but when she does that, she nudges the door with her head, shoulder, or paw, just depending. But, to open the door for me, she purposely threw her weight so that she came as close as she could to opening the door for a human, as a human does.
What I thinker! What a problem solver! What a sweet thoughtful doggie!
I praised her, of course.
What a good, smart, girl!
Written on 11-14-2011
I wasn't.
I was actually waiting for my son to bring me a bag of trash, to set out for pick-up.
Buddy, however, didn't know that.
She thought I needed someone to open the door and let me in, as she often does.
It was only the screen door that was shut, so I could see her, and I could see the wheels turning in her mind when she realized that Nick's priority wasn't letting me in the house (of course it wasn't, he was getting the trash as I asked him to do).
She decided I needed in, and it was up to her. So she ran over to the screen door, stood on her back paws, while she put her weight on the upper half of the screen door with her front paws, and opened the door for me.
Note, that she sometimes helps the cat in and out a different door in the house, but when she does that, she nudges the door with her head, shoulder, or paw, just depending. But, to open the door for me, she purposely threw her weight so that she came as close as she could to opening the door for a human, as a human does.
What I thinker! What a problem solver! What a sweet thoughtful doggie!
I praised her, of course.
What a good, smart, girl!
Written on 11-14-2011
They're Just Like Kids!
So, this evening, Buddy followed my instructions to greet The Cat with "kisses only."
Buddy did great, so sweet, and The Cat tolerated it.
Or so I thought.
The Cat walked down the hallway. Once she reached the end, she stopped and looked at Buddy.
Then, she made a point of licking herself clean in the exact spot where Buddy had kissed (OK, licked) her.
Buddy, of course, took down the hall at a run, at this insult.
I tell you, the cat and the dog, they're just like kids!
They fight just like my kids did.
Written on 11-17-2011
Buddy did great, so sweet, and The Cat tolerated it.
Or so I thought.
The Cat walked down the hallway. Once she reached the end, she stopped and looked at Buddy.
Then, she made a point of licking herself clean in the exact spot where Buddy had kissed (OK, licked) her.
Buddy, of course, took down the hall at a run, at this insult.
I tell you, the cat and the dog, they're just like kids!
They fight just like my kids did.
Written on 11-17-2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
This One Reminds Me of Buddy
Because it describes the relationship she has had, or rather, not had, with every single one of the cats she has met in her entire life.

see more dog and puppy pictures

see more dog and puppy pictures
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Marketing to Dogs.
Yes, you read that correctly, marketing to dogs.
Nestle Purina releases commerical aimed at dogs.
First, children were marketed to, directly, in what has become an often overwhelming and overwhemingly successful attempt to separate parents from their money, and now pets!
It's interesting to me for a few reasons.
One, companies are considering the idea that directly marketing to dogs is a good idea.
Philisophically, Anthromorphism, for one. But, aside from that, if pets can be successfully marketed to, if they have that level of intelligence (and personally, I think Buddy is too smart to be persuaded by a Beneful commercial), it raises anew the question of pet's rights.
Two, companies are recognizing that for good, or for bad, it is a trend that people are seeing, and treating, their pets as children. Sometimes instead of human children, sometimes as replacement for human children, once the human children have grown up and moved out, and sometimes in addition to a small family of one or two human children.
Given that, why not market directly to dogs? Marketing directly to human children has certainly worked well, for the marketers, hasn't it?
Three, Austria. Austria? What about Austria makes Purina thinks this type of marketing will be successful there? What does Purina know about Austria, that I don't?
It's interesting, and possibly clever, because if nothing else, Purina is going to generate publicity from this, whether they actually think marketing to dogs is a good idea or if they're just trying another angle to get the attention of pet parents (which is my guess).
That said, I don't endorse Purina products. Aside from the fact that they manufacture The Cat's favorite treats, which I buy by the case, I don't think their other products offer a good value and I don't purchase or recommend them.
Not even if my pets start watching TV, and begging for them...
Really though, it's nothing we pet parents/owners need to be concerned about, that is, not until Smell O'Vision becomes a reality.
Nestle Purina releases commerical aimed at dogs.
First, children were marketed to, directly, in what has become an often overwhelming and overwhemingly successful attempt to separate parents from their money, and now pets!
It's interesting to me for a few reasons.
One, companies are considering the idea that directly marketing to dogs is a good idea.
Philisophically, Anthromorphism, for one. But, aside from that, if pets can be successfully marketed to, if they have that level of intelligence (and personally, I think Buddy is too smart to be persuaded by a Beneful commercial), it raises anew the question of pet's rights.
Two, companies are recognizing that for good, or for bad, it is a trend that people are seeing, and treating, their pets as children. Sometimes instead of human children, sometimes as replacement for human children, once the human children have grown up and moved out, and sometimes in addition to a small family of one or two human children.
Given that, why not market directly to dogs? Marketing directly to human children has certainly worked well, for the marketers, hasn't it?
Three, Austria. Austria? What about Austria makes Purina thinks this type of marketing will be successful there? What does Purina know about Austria, that I don't?
It's interesting, and possibly clever, because if nothing else, Purina is going to generate publicity from this, whether they actually think marketing to dogs is a good idea or if they're just trying another angle to get the attention of pet parents (which is my guess).
That said, I don't endorse Purina products. Aside from the fact that they manufacture The Cat's favorite treats, which I buy by the case, I don't think their other products offer a good value and I don't purchase or recommend them.
Not even if my pets start watching TV, and begging for them...
Really though, it's nothing we pet parents/owners need to be concerned about, that is, not until Smell O'Vision becomes a reality.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
A Jacket Doesn't Always Mean A Walk.
Poor Buddy.
I put on my jacket because I'm chilly.
But, she saw me get my jacket so she roused herself off the sofa, where she had been sleeping, and came over to let me know that she was up for a little adventure and that she was ready and willing to go with me.
Poor thing.
So loyal, so sweet, and not about to let me go outside alone late at night (it's about midnight, our time).
So not willing to miss a walk.
Now, of course, she's disappointed that we're not really going outside (if I thought we could be quiet, and not wake up the neighbors, we'd go out for a few minutes, but I don't have any illusions about that).
I put on my jacket because I'm chilly.
But, she saw me get my jacket so she roused herself off the sofa, where she had been sleeping, and came over to let me know that she was up for a little adventure and that she was ready and willing to go with me.
Poor thing.
So loyal, so sweet, and not about to let me go outside alone late at night (it's about midnight, our time).
So not willing to miss a walk.
Now, of course, she's disappointed that we're not really going outside (if I thought we could be quiet, and not wake up the neighbors, we'd go out for a few minutes, but I don't have any illusions about that).
Friday, August 26, 2011
National Dog Day!
National Dog Day!
What better day than National Dog Day for the first post to appear on Buddy's Blog (I actually made the header in July, if that tells you anything about my "little" habit of procrastination).
Sad to say, though, that we are not celebrating it in the style to which Buddy would love to become accustomed.
No, sadly not.
I fried bacon today.
And I only gave Buddy one slice.
She, of course, thinks this is vastly unfair, "Mommie, do you not love da doggie anymore? Why you not give da doggie more bacon? Da doggie loves bacon. You made da doggie sad, Mommie."
Just what could I say to that? "Buddy, Daddy loves bacon, too, and he didn't even get one slice. Not one. Be happy you got one slice. DOWN, BUDDY, DOWN."
Happy Dog Day!
What better day than National Dog Day for the first post to appear on Buddy's Blog (I actually made the header in July, if that tells you anything about my "little" habit of procrastination).
Sad to say, though, that we are not celebrating it in the style to which Buddy would love to become accustomed.
No, sadly not.
I fried bacon today.
And I only gave Buddy one slice.
She, of course, thinks this is vastly unfair, "Mommie, do you not love da doggie anymore? Why you not give da doggie more bacon? Da doggie loves bacon. You made da doggie sad, Mommie."
Just what could I say to that? "Buddy, Daddy loves bacon, too, and he didn't even get one slice. Not one. Be happy you got one slice. DOWN, BUDDY, DOWN."
Happy Dog Day!
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